193 research outputs found

    Nuove acquisizioni sull'impiego di bicicli solfonilici rigidi in sintesi organica e in studi di riconoscimento molecolare

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    Sulla base degli aspetti cardine descritti precedentemente e degli studi condotti su bicicli solfonilici rigidi negli ultimi anni, saranno presentati i piĂč recenti risultati ottenuti, soprattutto per quanto concerne a) la reattivitĂ  di alcheni biciclici come accettori di Michael in presenza di ammine chirali e b) la costruzione di famiglie di analoghi a scheletro [2.2.x]biciclico e benzo[2.2.1]biciclico, adatte alla elaborazione di modelli di riconoscimento chirale di tipo empirico, basati su analisi cromatografica (HPLC)

    A morphometric study of human submandibular gland in type 2 diabetic status

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    Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 represents one of the principal diseases that afflict the world population. It is well documented that diabetes affects both morphology and function of several organs. In diabetic rats significant structural changes have been demonstrated in salivary glands, such as accumulation of secretory material and lipid droplets within secretory cells, parenchymal degeneration and its replacement with fibrous connective tissue (1). With regard to human salivary glands, the data are scanty and conflicting. Our work, carried out by light and electron microscopy, is based on the evaluation of the morphological changes which occur in human submandibular glands of diabetic with respect to non diabetic patients. Surgical fragments of glandular tissue were fixed, dehydrated, and processed for light and electron microscopy. Randomly chosen images were analyzed with Image Pro Plus software to record the dimension of acini, serous cells, secretory granules and other variables. Data were analyzed by Student’s t-test and Mann Whitney test. In diabetic glands statistically significant morphological changes were observed, such as enlargement of serous acini and increase of secretory granules area. These results suggest that the secretory activity of human submandibular gland is severely affected by the diabetic status. Obviously these data need to be confirmed with further measurements in order to explain better how diabetes affects human salivary glands

    How to Increase Stakeholders’ Involvement while Developing New Governance Model for Urban Logistic: Turin Best Practice

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    AbstractThis paper reports and describes the desirable effects obtained by the definition, acceptance and deployment of an innovative governance model introduced in Turin (Italy) where an original and well performing stakeholders’ engagement format was developed. A specific pilot has been implemented in order to stimulate – in vivo – the effects of the proposed new governance model. Pilot results did demonstrate that applying the new governance model, based on operational incentives rather than restrictions (pull rather than push measures), it was possible to achieve relevant and sound benefits for the community and an economic saving for each single logistic operator joining to the Recognition Scheme. On the base of such evidence, the City of Turin and Piedmont Region are considering to extend the governance model developed to neighbouring Municipalities. This will provide a fundamental base to build a homogeneous regional bottom-up Logistic Masterplan

    Aggiornamento sulla epidemiologia della sclerosi multipla nel nord Sardegna: un triste primato

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    Aim: To determine the current burden of MS in Sardinia, insular Italy, a region at high risk for the disease. Methods: Age- and gender-specific population-based prevalence and incidence were updated based on data from 40-year MS surveillance in the study area (provinces of Sassari and Olbia-Tempio, pop. 481,000 ca). Medical records and district health statistics (hospital discharge ICD9-CM and ticket exemption codes) were scrutinized for the study population. Estimates were based on MS according to Poser et al. criteria. Results: On prevalence day, December 31st 2008, 1265 individuals suffering from MS (345 men, 920 women) were living in the study area. Crude total prevalence was 260.3 per 100,000 (95%CIs: 256,3-264,3), 144,5 and 372,2 for men and women, respectively. The respective estimates adjusted for the 2008 Italian population were 247,6, 137,8, 353.2. Prevalence significantly increased from 1971 (13.6) to 2008. Mean age at death also increased from 40.6 (1971) to 58.7 (2008) years (no gender effect). Mean total incidence for the period 2000-4 was 10.5 per 100,000/year (95%CIs: 8.1, 12.4), 6.3 for men, 14.5 for women. In 1965-2008, mean age at clinical onset increased from 25.5 to 32.1 years with no gender effect; F:M ratio increased from 1.54 to 2.90 Conclusions: MS burden in Sardinia, insular Italy is to our knowledge the highest worldwide. MS in Sardinians shows a relevant incremental temporal trend of prevalence that can be explained by increasing survival but remarkably by increasing incidence especially in women. Because such variation has occurred within a relatively short period of time in this genetically stable population, a corrisponding change in the temporal distribution of an enviromental factor(s) and/or in the population’s lifestyle deserves further investigation

    Alcheni policiclici a ponte fenilsolfonilsostituiti: versatili intermedi nella sintesi di molecole biologicamente attive

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    Nel campo della sintesi totale di molecole biologicamente attive, risultano di interesse, da un punto di vista sintetico-stereochimico, molecole policicliche a struttura pontata che, negli ultimi anni, sono state largamente studiate, sia come principi attivi che come intermedi sintetici. La ricerca di base si Ăš quindi orientata verso lo studio della reattivitĂ  di tali substrati e dei meccanismi che la regolano. In questi ambiti, il nostro interesse si rivolge verso lo studio della reattivitĂ  di alcheni policiclici a ponte fenilsolfonilsostituiti

    Composti policiclici bridged fenilsolfonilsostituiti: caratterizzazione mediante tecniche NMR e cromatografia liquida ad alte prestazioni (<i>HPLC</i>)

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    Da alcuni anni, il nostro gruppo di ricerca svolge studi che hanno portato alla definizione di protocolli sintetici asimmetrici per la preparazione di chetoni policiclici enantiopuri e di nuove preparazioni di alcheni, bromoderivati e aldeidi policiclici. In particolare, i nostri studi si rivolgono verso sistemi [2.2.1]biciclici, costituendo questi lo scheletro carbonioso di base in composti biologicamente attivi, di interesse in campo farmacologico e nell’industria profumiera

    Removal of acetaldehyde from saliva by mucoadhesive formulations containing cysteine and chlorhexidine diacetate: a possible approach to the prevention of oral cavity alcohol-related cancer

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    The aim of our work has been to develop buccoadhesive formulations (tablets) containing both L-cysteine and chlorhexidine diacetate and to verify their ability to reduce oral acetaldehyde produced after alcoholic drinks consumption

    Electrodynamic friction of a charged particle passing a conducting plate

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    The classical electromagnetic friction of a charged particle moving with prescribed constant velocity parallel to a planar imperfectly conducting surface is reinvestigated. As a concrete example, the Drude model is used to describe the conductor. The transverse electric and transverse magnetic contributions have very different character both in the low velocity (nonrelativistic) and high velocity (ultrarelativistic) regimes. Both numerical and analytical results are given. Most remarkably, the transverse magnetic contribution to the friction has a maximum for ∣v∣<c|\mathbf{v}|<c, and persists in the limit of vanishing resistivity for sufficiently high velocities. We also show how Vavilov-\v{C}erenkov radiation can be treated in the same formalism.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. This is the extensively revised version accepted by Physical Review Researc

    Origin and distribution of the BRCA2-8765delAG mutation in breast cancer

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    Background: The BRCA2-8765delAG mutation was firstly described in breast cancer families from French-Canadian and Jewish-Yemenite populations; it was then reported as a founder mutation in Sardinian families. We evaluated both the prevalence of the BRCA2-8765delAG variant in Sardinia and the putative existence of a common ancestral origin through a haplotype analysis of breast cancer family members carrying such a mutation. Methods: Eight polymorphic microsatellite markers (D13S1250, centromeric, to D13S267, telomeric) spanning the BRCA2 gene locus were used for the haplotype analysis. Screening for the 8765delAG mutation was performed by PCR-based amplification of BRCA2-exon 20, followed by automated sequencing. Results: Among families with high recurrence of breast cancer (≄ 3 cases in first-degree relatives), those from North Sardinia shared the same haplotype whereas the families from French Canadian and Jewish-Yemenite populations presented distinct genetic assets at the BRCA2 locus. Screening for the BRCA2-8765delAG variant among unselected and consecutively-collected breast cancer patients originating from the entire Sardinia revealed that such a mutation is present in the northern part of the island only [9/648 (1.4%) among cases from North Sardinia versus 0/493 among cases from South Sardinia]. Conclusion: The BRCA2-8765delAG has an independent origin in geographically and ethnically distinct populations, acting as a founder mutation in North but not in South Sardinia. Since BRCA2- 8765delAG occurs within a triplet repeat sequence of AGAGAG, our study further confirmed the existence of a mutational hot-spot at this genomic position (additional genetic factors within each single population might be involved in generating such a mutation)

    Overview of Infrastructure Charging, part 4, IMPROVERAIL Project Deliverable 9, “Improved Data Background to Support Current and Future Infrastructure Charging Systems”

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    Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in accordance with Directive 91/440, as well as the new railway infrastructure directives, by developing the necessary tools for modelling the management of railway infrastructure; by evaluating improved methods for capacity and resources management, which allow the improvement of the Life Cycle Costs (LCC) calculating methods, including elements related to vehicle - infrastructure interaction and external costs; and by improving data background in support of charging for use of railway infrastructure. To achieve these objectives, Improverail is organised along 8 workpackages, with specific objectives, responding to the requirements of the task 2.2.1/10 of the 2nd call made in the 5th RTD Framework Programme in December 1999.This part is the task 7.1 (Review of infrastructure charging systems) to the workpackage 7 (Analysis of the relation between infrastructure cost variation and diversity of infrastructure charging systems).Before explaining the economic characteristics of railway and his basic pricing principles, authors must specify the objectives of railways infrastructure charging.principle of pricing ; rail infrastructure charging ; public service obligation ; rail charging practice ; Europe ; Improverail
